God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4
Crystallization-Study of the Gospel of John .PNG

Crystallization-Study of the Gospel of John

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Catalog No 10-215-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of messages given by Brother Witness Lee in Anaheim, California. The first thirteen messages were given in the Summer Training on July 4-10, 1996. Messages fourteen through sixteen were given to the church in Anaheim on August 25, September 1, and September 8, 1996.


  1. An Introductory Word and The Word of God (1)
  2. The Word of God (2)
  3. God
  4. The Processed Triune God
  5. The All-inclusive Christ—the Further Revelation of Christ concerning His All-inclusiveness in the Gospel of John (1)
  6. The All-inclusive Christ—the Further Revelation of Christ concerning His All-inclusiveness in the Gospel of John (2)
  7. The All-inclusive Christ—the Further Revelation of Christ concerning His All-inclusiveness in the Gospel of John (3)
  8. The Consummated Spirit
  9. The Consummation of the Complete Salvation of Christ
  10. The Glorification of Christ by God with His Glory
  11. The Organism of the Processed and Consummated Triune God and The Believers' Oneness Incorporated with the Oneness of the Triune God
  12. The Kingdom of God and The Blood and Water
  13. The Apostolic Ministry in Cooperation with Christ's Heavenly Ministry
  14. The Key to the Gospel of John
  15. The Intrinsic Significance of John 1 through 16
  16. An Intrinsic Interpretation of John's Writings
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 10-215-001
ISBN 9781575938028
Pages 148
Dimension 216mm X 141mm
Language English