God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Conclusion of the New Testament (#1-436) 26 vols

RM 1,240.00
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Life-study of the New Testament―Conclusion Messages by Witness Lee. Following the completion of the Life-Study on the Bible, Brother Lee held four additional Life-Study trainings on “The Conclusion of the New Testament.”

The first three trainings, which presented a detailed view of the New Testament revelation concerning God, Christ, the Spirit, the believers, the church, the kingdom, and the New Jerusalem, comprising of 264 messages in a series of 16 softbound volumes. The fourth training presented a detailed view of the New Testament concerning our Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ, with another 172 messages in a series of 10 softbound volumes.

All these 436 messages are included in this 26-volume softbound set, which matches the existing softbound Life-study sets.

Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 10-073-001
Language English