祂願意萬人得救,並且完全認識真理 — 提摩太前書 二章四節

Practical Expression of the Church, The

RM 64.70
書號 08-020-001
著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站

Witness Lee speaks of the church in The Practical Expression of the Church, not only from the viewpoint of God’s eternal purpose, which is the church triumphant and universal, but also from the viewpoint of the believers’ experience and enjoyment of the riches of Christ, which produces a local expression of the church, an expression that displays the oneness of the Body of Christ and brings in God’s commanded blessing (Psalm 133).


  1. The Eternal Purpose of God
  2. The Expression of Christ
  3. The Expression of the Church
  4. The Practicality of the Church
  5. The Oneness of the Church
  6. The Ground of the Church
  7. The General Attitude for Oneness
  8. The Ground of Locality
  9. The Unique Ground of Oneness
  10. Absoluteness for the Local Church
  11. The Blessing on the Ground of Oneness
  12. The Fellowship of the Church
  13. Practical Lessons for the Church Life
  14. The Function of the Church
  15. Functioning by Putting Off the Old
  16. Functioning by the Release of the Spirit
  17. Functioning by Pray-reading
  18. The Government of the Church
  19. The Content of the Church
  20. Building in Love
  21. The Increase and Spread of the Church
  22. Preparation for the Lord's Return
著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站
規格 平裝
尺寸216mm X 141mm
語言 英語