祂願意萬人得救,並且完全認識真理 — 提摩太前書 二章四節

History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery, The (2-volume set)

RM 140.00
書號 08-935-001
著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站


This section is composed of messages given by Brother Witness Lee in a service training for all the churches in Asia that was held in Hong Kong and Taipei, Taiwan, on November 2 through 24, 1981. The messages were compiled into two parts. Part One consists of chapters 1 through 14, which were messages given in Hong Kong. Part Two consists of chapters 15 through 28, which were messages given in Taipei.


Volume 1

1. Introduction—an Overview of the Lord’s Recovery

2. The Lord’s Move in China
3. The Beginning of the Lord’s Recovery in China
4. The Testimony in the Early Stage of the Recovery
5. Doctrinal Views Frustrating the Lord’s Recovery
6. The Spread of the Church and the Revival in Chefoo
7. The Recovery of Christ Being the Spirit
8. The Post-war Revival of the Churches in Various Localities
9. The Pure Revelation of the Triune God
10. The Kuling Training and the Changing Political Situation
11. The Lord’s Recovery in Southeast Asia
12. The Lord’s Testimony in Hong Kong
13. “National Defense” and “Public Security” in the Lord’s Recovery
14. The Revelation We Have Received from the Lord during the Past Sixty Years

Volume 2
15. The Raising Up of the Work in Taiwan
16. The Trials of the Churches in Taiwan (1)
17. The Trials of the Churches in Taiwan (2)
18. Lessons Learned from Trials
19. The Lord’s Recovery in Japan
20. The Beginning of the Lord’s Recovery in the United States
21. The Recovery of the Practicality of the Church Life
22. Troubles Without and Troubles Within during the Spread of the Testimony in the United States (1)
23. Troubles Without and Troubles Within during the Spread of the Testimony in the United States (2)
24. The Advancement of the Lord’s Recovery in the United States
25. A Brief Account of the Lord’s Recovery in the United States

26. The Lord's Recovery in South America and Korea
27. The Lord’s Recovery Being a Living, Not a Work
28. The Lord’s Recovery in Africa and Australasia

著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站
規格 平裝
尺寸216mm X 141mm
語言 英語