God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Practice of the Church Life according to the God-ordained Way, The

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Catalog No 12-041-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of messages given by Brother Witness Lee in Anaheim, California from February 22 through June 13, 1992.


  1. The Prerequisite of the Practice of the Church Life according to the God-ordained Way (1)
  2. The Prerequisite of the Practice of the Church Life according to the God-ordained Way (2)
  3. The Prerequisite of the Practice of the Church Life according to the God-ordained Way (3)
  4. The Practice of Prophesying (1)
  5. The Practice of Prophesying (2) Learning, Exercising, and Practicing (1)
  6. The Practice of Prophesying (3) Learning, Exercising, and Practicing (2)
  7. The Practice of Prophesying (4) Learning, Exercising, and Practicing (3)
  8. The Practice of Prophesying (5) Learning, Exercising, and Practicing (4)
  9. The Practice of Prophesying (6) Learning, Exercising, and Practicing (5)
  10. Caring for the Present Need in the Lord's Recovery
  11. Taking the Definite Steps of the Practicing and Learning of the God-ordained Way
  12. The Laboring Way
  13. Begetting, Nourishing, Perfecting, and Prophesying to Build Up the Divine Organism, the Body of Christ
  14. The Need for a Proper Beginning in the Practice of the God-ordained Way
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 12-041-001
ISBN 9780870839689
Pages 150
Dimension 216mm X 141mm
Language English