祂願意萬人得救,並且完全認識真理 — 提摩太前書 二章四節

Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord's Recovery, Book 4: The Increase and Spread of the Church

RM 39.20
書號 12-909-001
著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站
其他語言 - 1

This book contains twelve messages given by Brother Witness Lee from January 14 through 19, 1985, when he was in Taiwan leading the churches to practice the God-ordained way. This series of messages was spoken in the church in Taipei in a conference with the general subject: The Increase and Spread of the Church.


  1. Knowledge of Truth and Growth in Life Being for the Increase and Spread of the Church
  2. The Means and Base for the Increase and Spread of the Church
  3. The Increase of the Church Being according to Law
  4. Planning for the Increase of the Church
  5. Forming Small Groups
  6. The Function of the Small Group
  7. The Functioning of the Members of a Small Group
  8. The Content of the Small Group Gatherings
  9. The Relationship among Gifts, Offices, and Church Meetings
  10. The Joint Meetings of the Church and the Small Group Gatherings
  11. Seeking and Restoring the Dormant Saints
  12. Preaching the Gospel in Every Home
著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站
規格 平裝
尺寸216mm X 141mm
語言 英語