祂願意萬人得救,並且完全認識真理 — 提摩太前書 二章四節

Shepherding the Church and Perfecting the Young People

RM 43.20
書號 14-922-001
著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站

Shepherding the Church and Perfecting the Young People 

1. How to Advance in the Work

2. Shepherding and Overseeing

3. Changing the Concept in Our Service—Teaching and Perfecting Others

4. Recovering the Testimony of the Local Churches and Considering Language Meetings

5. The Way to Perfect People and Fellowship concerning the Need Abroad

6. Fellowship concerning the Need of the Churches Abroad

7. The Focal Point of the Young People’s Work and Perfecting the Young People

8. A Spiritual Work with the Effect of Life 

9. Shepherding, Growing in Life, and Supplying the Word

10. Perfecting the Saints and Establishing the Church Services

著者 李常受
發行 水流職事站
規格 平裝
尺寸216mm X 141mm
語言 英語