祂願意萬人得救,並且完全認識真理 — 提摩太前書 二章四節
(Tamil) Knowledge of Life, The.jpg

(Tamil) Knowledge of Life, The

RM 36.00

(Tamil) Knowledge of Life, The

In The Knowledge of Life Witness Lee illuminates the path that leads to life, beginning with regeneration, and advancing to knowing and living according to the inward sense of life. The Knowledge of Life provides an excellent foundation for the genuine experience of Christ and a helpful introduction to Witness Lee’s companion book The Experience of Life.


  1. What Is Life?
  2. What Is the Experience of Life?
  3. The First Experience of Life—Regeneration
  4. That Which Is Gained through Regeneration
  5. The Sense of Life
  6. The Fellowship of Life
  7. The Sense of the Spirit and Knowing the Spirit
  8. The Difference between Spirit and Soul
  9. Three Lives and Four Laws
  10. The Law of Life
  11. The Inward Knowledge
  12. What Is the Growth of Life?
  13. The Outlet of Life
  14. Light and Life

著者 李常受
發行 Amana Literature Pvt. Ltd.
規格 平裝
尺寸216mm X 141mm
語言 泰米爾語