God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures (6 volumes set)

RM 440.00
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Catalog No 10-901-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures was originally published in Chinese as a six-volume set containing sixty topics of basic truths in the Bible. The topics and verses were selected and arranged by Witness Lee, and these books were greatly used by the Lord in the early spread of the local churches throughout the Far East. These messages have been translated from the Chinese.


  1. The Condition of Man—the Need of Salvation
  2. The Love of God—the Source of Salvation
  3. Christ’s Redemption—the Accomplishment of Salvation
  4. The Work of the Holy Spirit—the Application of Salvation
  5. Repentance and Believing—the Conditions for Obtaining Salvation
  6. Forgiveness
  7. Cleansing
  8. Sanctification
  9. Justification
  10. Reconciliation
  11. Regeneration
  12. Eternal Life
  13. Release—Freedom
  14. Salvation
  15. The Assurance of Salvation
  16. The Security of Salvation
  17. Baptism
  18. The Laying On of Hands
  19. Head Covering
  20. The Breaking of Bread
  21. Obeying the Sense of Life
  22. Living in the Fellowship of Life
  23. Consecration
  24. Dealing with Sin
  25. Being Led by the Lord
  26. Doing the Will of God
  27. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
  28. Preaching the Gospel
  29. Serving the Lord
  30. Meeting
  31. Reading the Bible
  32. Prayer
  33. A Few Matters concerning the Living of the Believers
  34. The Knowledge of God
  35. The Faithfulness of God and the Righteousness of God
  36. The Selection and Predestination of God
  37. The Union of God and Man
  38. The Person of Christ
  39. The Precious Blood of Christ
  40. The Law and Grace
  41. In Adam and in Christ
  42. The Two Natures of the Believers
  43. Three Kinds of Life and Four Laws
  44. Union with Christ
  45. The Service of the New Covenant
  46. The Believers and Sins
  47. Obtaining the Reward
  48. Entering into the Kingdom of the Heavens
  49. Sufferings
  50. The Sabbath Day and the Lord’s Day
  51. The Church
  52. Angels
  53. The Devil
  54. The World
  55. Sin
  56. Death and Resurrection
  57. Judgment
  58. Paradise and the Lake of Fire
  59. The Rapture of the Believers
  60. The Second Coming of Christ
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No10-901-001
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English