This book is composed of messages concerning the meaning of the church given by Brother Witness Lee during a training on service in Taipei, Taiwan in 1956. The general subject of this training was “The Three Aspects of the Church.” The first aspect is the meaning of the church; the second, thecourse of the church; and the third, the organization of the church. The messages given in this training were compiled into three books, according to the three aforementioned aspects; these books are entitled: The Meaning of the Church, The Course of the Church, and The Organization of the Church.
Book 1 - The Meaning of the Church
- The Church Being God’s Plan in Eternity
- God’s Plan concerning the Church (1)
- God’s Plan concerning the Church (2)
- The Heading Up of All Things
- God’s Work to Recover the Oneness in the Universe
- Christ Recovering the Oneness by Life through the Church and for the Church
- The Types of the Church (1)—Eve and Rebekah
- The Types of the Church (2)—Asenath, Zipporah, Ruth, and Abigail
- The Types of the Church (3)—the Shulammite
- The Types of the Church (4)—the Children of Israel
- The Types of the Church (5)—the Tabernacle (1)
- The Types of the Church (6)—the Tabernacle (2)
- The Types of the Church (7)—the Tabernacle (3)
- The Types of the Church (8)—the Tabernacle (4)
- The Types of the Church (9)—the Temple (1)
- The Types of the Church (10)—the Temple (2)
- The Types of the Church (11)—the Temple (3)
Book 2 - The Course of the Church
- The Producing of the Church
- The Spreading of the Church (1)
- The Spreading of the Church (2)
- The Desolation of the Church
- The Proper Attitude during the Desolation of the Church (1)
- The Proper Attitude during the Desolation of the Church (2)
- The Proper Attitude during the Desolation of the Church (3)
- Assistance and Hindrances to the Course of the Church (1)
- Assistance and Hindrances to the Course of the Church (2)
- The Transmutation of the Organization and Administration of the Church
- The Union of the Church and Politics
- Major Groups within Christianity
- The Recovery of the Church (1)
- The Recovery of the Church (2)
- The History of the Lord’s Move in China (1)
- The History of the Lord’s Move in China (2)
- The History of the Lord’s Move in China (3)
- Spiritual Recoveries among Us
- Our Attitude in This Age
Book 3 - The Organization of the Church
- Introduction
- Principles concerning the Organization of the Church (1)
- Principles concerning the Organization of the Church (2)
- Principles concerning the Organization of the Church (3)
- The Practice of the Organization of the Church (1)
- The Practice of the Organization of the Church (2)
- The Practice of the Organization of the Church (3)
- The Practice of the Organization of the Church (4)
- The Practice of the Organization of the Church (5)
- The Practice of the Organization of the Church (6)
Supplementary Messages regarding Certain Matters in the Church That Require Our Attention
- There Being No Organizational Unification, among the Churches
- Some Matters Related to Full-time Service (1)
- Some Matters Related to Full-time Service (2)
- Some Matters Related to Full-time Service (3)
- Knowing the Spiritual Aspect of the Church (1)
- Knowing the Spiritual Aspect of the Church (2)
- Receiving People in the Churches
- Fellowship Given in a Prayer Meeting concerning the Full-time Training