God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Three Aspects of the Church (3 volumes)

RM 143.00
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Catalog No 08-913-915
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of messages concerning the meaning of the church given by Brother Witness Lee during a training on service in Taipei, Taiwan in 1956. The general subject of this training was “The Three Aspects of the Church.” The first aspect is the meaning of the church; the second, thecourse of the church; and the third, the organization of the church. The messages given in this training were compiled into three books, according to the three aforementioned aspects; these books are entitled: The Meaning of the Church, The Course of the Church, and The Organization of the Church.

Book 1 - The Meaning of the Church

  1. The Church Being God’s Plan in Eternity
  2. God’s Plan concerning the Church (1)
  3. God’s Plan concerning the Church (2)
  4. The Heading Up of All Things
  5. God’s Work to Recover the Oneness in the Universe
  6. Christ Recovering the Oneness by Life through the Church and for the Church
  7. The Types of the Church (1)—Eve and Rebekah
  8. The Types of the Church (2)—Asenath, Zipporah, Ruth, and Abigail
  9. The Types of the Church (3)—the Shulammite
  10. The Types of the Church (4)—the Children of Israel
  11. The Types of the Church (5)—the Tabernacle (1)
  12. The Types of the Church (6)—the Tabernacle (2)
  13. The Types of the Church (7)—the Tabernacle (3)
  14. The Types of the Church (8)—the Tabernacle (4)
  15. The Types of the Church (9)—the Temple (1)
  16. The Types of the Church (10)—the Temple (2)
  17. The Types of the Church (11)—the Temple (3)

Book 2 - The Course of the Church

  1. The Producing of the Church
  2. The Spreading of the Church (1)
  3. The Spreading of the Church (2)
  4. The Desolation of the Church
  5. The Proper Attitude during the Desolation of the Church (1)
  6. The Proper Attitude during the Desolation of the Church (2)
  7. The Proper Attitude during the Desolation of the Church (3)
  8. Assistance and Hindrances to the Course of the Church (1)
  9. Assistance and Hindrances to the Course of the Church (2)
  10. The Transmutation of the Organization and Administration of the Church
  11. The Union of the Church and Politics
  12. Major Groups within Christianity
  13. The Recovery of the Church (1)
  14. The Recovery of the Church (2)
  15. The History of the Lord’s Move in China (1)
  16. The History of the Lord’s Move in China (2)
  17. The History of the Lord’s Move in China (3)
  18. Spiritual Recoveries among Us
  19. Our Attitude in This Age

Book 3 - The Organization of the Church

  • OTL-1 The Outline
  1. Introduction
  2. Principles concerning the Organization of the Church (1)
  3. Principles concerning the Organization of the Church (2)
  4. Principles concerning the Organization of the Church (3)
  5. The Practice of the Organization of the Church (1)
  6. The Practice of the Organization of the Church (2)
  7. The Practice of the Organization of the Church (3)
  8. The Practice of the Organization of the Church (4)
  9. The Practice of the Organization of the Church (5)
  10. The Practice of the Organization of the Church (6)

Supplementary Messages regarding Certain Matters in the Church That Require Our Attention

  • OTL-2 The Outline
  1. There Being No Organizational Unification, among the Churches
  2. Some Matters Related to Full-time Service (1)
  3. Some Matters Related to Full-time Service (2)
  4. Some Matters Related to Full-time Service (3)
  5. Knowing the Spiritual Aspect of the Church (1)
  6. Knowing the Spiritual Aspect of the Church (2)
  7. Receiving People in the Churches
  8. Fellowship Given in a Prayer Meeting concerning the Full-time Training
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No08-913-915
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English