God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Operation of God and the Anointing, The

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Catalog No 07-971-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of eleven messages given by Brother Witness Lee in different places concerning the experience of life. The messages were published in Chinese in various issues of The Ministry of the Word magazine, from 1951 to 1965. They are published here as a single volume.


  1. Blessings and Grace
  2. The Operation of God in Man
  3. The Mystery of God
  4. The Centrality of God
  5. The Flesh and the Law
  6. Abiding in the Lord
  7. Touching the Lord in Fellowship
  8. Four Life Exercises
  9. The Teaching of the Anointing and the Discipline of the Holy Spirit
  10. Having Our Mind Opened
  11. Knowing the Natural Man and the Self
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 07-971-001
ISBN 9780736361774
Pages 88
Dimension 216mm X 141mm
Language English