God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ

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Catalog No 07-075-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

The entire Bible reveals that God’s eternal purpose and the good pleasure of His will is to have the church. In order to carry out His purpose and pleasure, God made a plan, which centers around the mysterious, incomprehensible Christ who was incarnated as a man, crucified for our redemption, resurrected to be our life, and ascended to the heavens. Specifically, God’s plan is to impart, to dispense, this unsearchably rich Christ into His believers.

In Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, Witness Lee unveils how the church as the Body of Christ is produced by our enjoyment of the unsearchable riches of Christ through His word and by His Spirit. Such an enjoyment causes the believers to grow and be transformed into the precious materials for God’s building. As the believers come together in spirit and in oneness, the work of building is carried out for the glory of God and the defeat of His enemy.


  1. God's Eternal Purpose to Produce the Church
  2. The Economy of the Mystery for the Dispensing of Christ
  3. The Dispensing of the Riches of Christ by the Spirit
  4. The Dispensing of the Riches of Christ Through His Word
  5. God in Christ as Our Food
  6. Transformation for the Building
  7. The Enjoyment of Christ in 1 Corinthians
  8. Eating, Drinking, Growing, Transformation, and Building
  9. Christ as Life for the Preparation of the Bride
  10. Life, Growth, and Transformation for the Building
  11. Ministering Christ by Prophesying
  12. Calling on the Lord in Our Daily Life for the Church Meetings
  13. The Unique Oneness for the Building of the Church
  14. The Oneness of the Faith and the Winds of Teaching
  15. The Recovery of God's Building (1)
  16. The Recovery of God's Building (2)
  17. The New Man and the Man-Child
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No07-075-001
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English