God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

History of God in His Union With Man, The

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Catalog No 04-019-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of messages given by Brother Witness Lee in Anaheim, California from August 28, 1992 through March 20, 1993.


  1. God's History in Eternity Past
  2. God's History in Time
    (From the Creation of the Universe
    to the Final Judgment at the Great White Throne—
    Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (1)
    Creating the Universe
    and Judging Satan and the Universe
  3. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (2)
    Restoring the Judged Universe
    and Creating Man
  4. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (3)
    Saving Man from His Fall
  5. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (4)
    Working on His Saints from Abel to Noah
    and Judging the World from Cain to Babel
  6. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (5)
    Working on His Elect from Abraham to Joseph (1)
    Working on Abraham
    and Judging Sodom and Gomorrah
  7. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (6)
    Working on His Elect from Abraham to Joseph (2)
    The God of Abraham
    Seen in His Dealings with Abraham
  8. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (7)
    Working on His Elect from Abraham to Joseph (3)
    Working on Isaac and Jacob with Joseph (1)
  9. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (8)
    Working on His Elect from Abraham to Joseph (4)
    Working on Isaac and Jacob with Joseph (2)
  10. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (9)
    Working on His Elect from Abraham to Joseph (5)
    The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
  11. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (10)
    Working on His Elect through Moses (1)
    Delivering Israel Out of Egypt
    and Bringing Them into the Wilderness
  12. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (11)
    Working on His Elect through Moses (2)
    Bearing Them through the Wilderness
    and Bringing Them to Himself at Mount Sinai
  13. God's History in Time
    (Gen. 1:1—Rev. 20:15) (12)
    Working on His Elect through Moses (3)
    Training Them to Worship and Partake of God
    and to Live a Holy, Clean, and Rejoicing Life
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No04-019-001
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English