God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

God's Intention Concerning Christ and the Church

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Catalog No 04-054-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of ten messages given by Brother Witness Lee in April of 1963 in a conference in San Diego, California. These messages were not reviewed by the speaker.


  1. Experiencing Christ as Our Portion
  2. The Need for Life, Power, and the Growth in Life
  3. God’s Intention to Work Christ into Us through the Cross and by the Spirit
  4. A Proper Church Needing to Be Filled with Life and to Be Inclusive
  5. Three Necessities for Our Christian Life
  6. God’s Intention and Its Accomplishment
  7. Two Mysteries in the Scriptures—the Triune God and the Relationship between Eternal Salvation and God’s Judgment of His Children
  8. The Genuine Building Up and Recovery of the Church as the Body of Christ
  9. Putting On the Church Life to Have the Real Christian Walk
  10. Discerning Our Spirit and Knowing the Difference between Our Spirit and the Other Inward Parts of Our Being
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Catalog No04-054-001
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English