God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

New Testament Service, The

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Catalog No 13-011-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is composed of messages given by Brother Witness Lee in the spring of 1970 that were spoken weekly to the church in Los Angeles, California, during a time of informal training. His burden in speaking this word at that time was to fellowship with the saints the New Testament principles of our service to the Lord in the church life.

In the chapters that follow we can see that the New Testament service is outside of religion and contrary to human culture, new in time and new in nature, and altogether of and with Christ, having Him as the very center. It is a service that is of the Holy Spirit with the goal to bring forth Christ for the fulfillment of His purpose; it is living, fresh, and without any natural concept or element, having the living, instant guidance of Christ that brings us to Himself. It is a service in the aspects of life and work that is not individual but in coordination in the Body in every aspect, caring for Jesus only and being separated from all earthly involvements.

Those of us who were in the meetings when these messages were given or heard them later on audio tapes can testify of the immense help that was rendered to us in our spiritual service. The fellowship contained in the following pages became the governing principles by which many have learned to serve in the church life. It is a word that is very basic and very much up to date. We are thankful to the Lord that these messages are now in print, and we pray that the New Testament principles of service will become a living and practical reality in all the churches.


  1. Conceiving and Bringing Forth Christ
  2. Four Main Principles of New Testament Service
  3. Joseph’s Side of the Birth of Jesus
  4. New Testament Service Twelve Years after the Birth of Jesus
  5. By the Living Guidance of the Heavenly Star
  6. By the Morning Star in Our Hearts and by Becoming Stars in the Church
  7. Testifying for Christ
  8. The Testimony of John the Baptist
  9. Following Christ
  10. Four New Things
  11. Confirmed by the Lord’s Teaching
  12. Jesus Only
  13. Four Questions and the Question of Questions
  14. New Testament Service in the Aspects of Life and Work
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No13-011-001
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English