God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

New Testament Priests of the Gospel, The

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Catalog No 13-010-001
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

This book is a translation from the Chinese of messages released by Brother Witness Lee in Taiwan during the spring of 1989. They have not yet been edited by the speaker. Chapters one, five, and nine are messages which were given to the elders in Taipei on March 15, April 5, and April 19. Chapters two through four are messages which were given to the church in Kaohsiung at a conference on April 1 and 2. Chapter six is a message which was given to the full-time trainees in Taipei on April 5. Chapters seven and eight are messages which were given to the church in Taipei during two conference meetings on April 16 and 23. Finally, chapters ten and eleven are composed of messages which were given to the elders, co-workers, and trainees from the whole island of Taiwan on April 22.


  1. The Way to Practice the Universal Priesthood
  2. The Nature of the New Way and the Universal Priesthood
  3. The New Way and the Universal Priesthood of the New Testament
  4. The New Way and the Service and Worship in the New Testament
  5. The Universal Priesthood in the New Testament
  6. Four Steps in the Organic Work of the New Testament Priests of the Gospel
  7. The New Testament Priests of the Gospel
  8. Three Responsibilities of the New Testament Priests of the Gospel after Preaching the Gospel and Saving the Sinners
  9. The Recovery of the New Testament Priests of the Gospel
  10. The Lord’s Present Advance in His Recovery—Crucial Points concerning the Light and Revelation Received from the Lord in the Last Four and a Half Years regarding the Way to Meet and to Serve
  11. Realizing God’s Desire, Plan, and Economy and Exposing Satan’s Evil Intent, Deception, and Confusion
Author Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No13-010-001
Dimension216mm X 141mm
Language English