God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Lesson Book - Set of 6 (Softbound)

RM 295.00
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Catalog No 16-016-001
Author Watchman Nee & Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry


Lesson Book, Level 1: Salvation—God’s Full Salvation

  1. Salvation in God’s Plan
  2. God Selected and Predestinated Many People to be His Sons
  3. God’s Goal—a Corporate Man
  4. God’s Creation of Man as a Three-part Vessel
  5. The Tree of Life and the River Signifying God as Life to Man
  6. The Fall of Man
  7. Man’s Need of Salvation
  8. The Source of Salvation—God’s Love
  9. The Basis of Salvation—God’s Righteousness
  10. The Savior-God
  11. Redemption
  12. Forgiveness and Cleansing of Sins
  13. Justification
  14. Reconciliation
  15. Regeneration
  16. Sanctification
  17. Transformation
  18. Conformation
  19. Glorification
  20. Receiving and Growing in Salvation
  21. The Assurance and Security of Salvation
  22. Three Stages of Salvation
  23. Reward and Punishment
  24. Conclusion

Lesson Book, Level 2: The Triune God—The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ

  1. The Triune God Being a Mystery
  2. God Being Triune Eternally
  3. The Son Being the Embodiment of the Triune God
  4. The Spirit Being the Ultimate Consummation of the Triune God
  5. The Essential and Economical Trinity
  6. The Coinherence of the Triune God and His Believers
  7. The Triune God as Revealed in the Old Testament
  8. The Triune God as Revealed in the Gospels and in Acts
  9. The Triune God as Revealed in the Epistles (1)
  10. The Triune God as Revealed in the Epistles (2)
  11. The Triune God as Revealed in Revelation
  12. The Consummation of the Dispensing of the Triune God
  13. Christ's Person and Work
  14. Christ's Incarnation
  15. Christ's Human Living
  16. Christ's Crucifixion (1)
  17. Christ's Crucifixion (2)
  18. Christ's Death as a God-man
  19. Christ's Resurrection (1)
  20. Christ's Resurrection (2)
  21. Christ's Ascension
  22. Christ as the Essential and Economical Spirit
  23. Christ's Second Coming
  24. Christ in Eternity

Lesson Book, Level 3: Two Spirits—Two Spirits - the Divine Spirit and the Human Spirit

  1. The Two Spirits
  2. The All-inclusive Spirit
  3. The Compound Spirit
  4. The Life-giving, Indwelling Spirit
  5. The Sevenfold Intensified Spirit
  6. The Essential and Economical Spirit
  7. The Spirit's Work in the Believers (1) — Regeneration
  8. The Spirit's Work in the Believers (2) — Sanctification
  9. The Spirit's Work in the Believers (3) — Transformation
  10. The Spirit's Work in the Believers (4) — The Anointing, Sealing, and Pledging
  11. The Spirit's Work in the Believers (5) — Empowering and Supplying Them to Speak Christ
  12. The Spirit and the Word
  13. The Human Spirit
  14. The Difference Between the Spirit and the Soul
  15. Denying the Soul and Turning to the Spirit
  16. Knowing Our Spirit
  17. The Mingled Spirit
  18. Being Filled in Spirit
  19. Exercising Our Spirit
  20. Walking According to Spirit and Two Walks by the Spirit
  21. Serving in Our Spirit
  22. The Triune God as the Spirit Saturating the Tripartite Man
  23. The Body of Christ and Our Regenerated Spirit
  24. The Consummate Issue of the Two Spirits

Lesson Book, Level 4: Life—Knowing and Experiencing Life

  1. Divine and Eternal Life
  2. Life Being God Himself
  3. Three Lives and Four Laws
  4. The Law of Life and the Light of Life
  5. The Growth of Life
  6. Experience of Life
  7. The Sense and Fellowship of Life
  8. Consecration
  9. Preserving Our Whole Being for Life
  10. Obeying the Teaching of the Anointing
  11. Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
  12. Clearance of the Past
  13. Dealing with Sins
  14. Dealing with the World
  15. Dealing with the Flesh and the Self
  16. Dealing with the Natural Constitution, Individualism and Divisiveness
  17. Two Kinds of Fruit Out of the Divine Life
  18. Building Up of the Body of Christ in Oneness
  19. Reigning in Life, the Kingdom Reward, and the New Jerusalem
  20. Maintaining a Strong Spirit by Calling and Praying
  21. Being Enriched with the Word by Pray-Reading, Reading, Studying, and Memorizing
  22. Speaking the Word of Christ to Remain in Life
  23. Living a Normal Christian Life
  24. Having a Normal Church Life

Lesson Book, Level 5: The Church—The Vision and Building Up of the Church

  1. The Vision Concerning the Church
  2. God’s Purpose for the Church
  3. The Status of the Church (1) The Assembly, the House of God, and the Kingdom of God
  4. The Status of the Church (2) The Body of Christ
  5. The Status of the Church (3) God’s Masterpiece, the New Man, and the Counterpart of Christ
  6. The Status of the Church (4) The Golden Lampstands
  7. The Two Aspects of the Church—Universal and Local
  8. The Formation of the Church
  9. The Establishment of Local Churches
  10. The Failures in the Churches, the Degradation and Recovery of the Church
  11. The Seven Churches in Revelation Signifying the Seven Stages of the Church
  12. The Consummation of the Church
  13. The Indirect Building Up of the Body Of Christ by the Gifts to the Body
  14. The Direct Building Up of the Body Of Christ by the Perfected Saints
  15. The Building Up of the Body of Christ in Oneness
  16. The Increase and the Spread of the Church
  17. The Meetings of the Church for the Building Up of the Church
  18. The Prayer Ministry of the Church
  19. The Holy, Royal, and Gospel Priesthood for the Building Up of the Church
  20. Our Entrance Into the Church
  21. Our Attitude in the Church Life
  22. Young People for the Building Up of the Church
  23. Our Need to Serve for the Building Up of the Church
  24. Our Patterns for the Building Up of the Church

Lesson Book, Level 6: The Bible—The Word of God

  1. The Bible
  2. The Writing of the Bible (1)
  3. The Writing of the Bible (2)
  4. The Difference Between the New Testament and the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, the False Revelations, and the Translations
  5. The Proof of the Bible Being the Word of God (1)
  6. The Proof of the Bible Being the Word of God (2)
  7. Key Topics of the Bible (1)—God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Cross of Christ
  8. Key Topics of the Bible (2)—Man, Salvation, the Eternal Life, and the Believers
  9. Key Topics of the Bible (3)—The Church, the Kingdom, and the New Jerusalem
  10. Key Topics of the Bible (4)—The Covenants, the Dispensations, and Satan
  11. The Books of Law—the Pentateuch—Genesis through Deuteronomy
  12. The Books of History—Joshua through Esther
  13. The Books of Poetry—Job through Song of Songs
  14. The Books of Prophecy (1)—the Major Prophets—Isaiah through Daniel
  15. The Books of Prophecy (2)—the Minor Prophets—Hosea through Malachi
  16. The Books of History—Matthew through Acts
  17. The Epistles (1)—Paul’s Epistles—Romans through Ephesians
  18. The Epistles (2)—Paul’s Epistles—Philippians through 2 Timothy
  19. The Epistles (3)—Paul’s Epistles—Titus through Hebrews
  20. The Epistles (4)—James through 2 Peter
  21. The Epistles (5)—1 John through Jude and the Book of Prophecy—Revelation
  22. Principles of Interpretation
  23. Our Attitude Toward the Bible
  24. The Way to Enjoy the Bible—By Letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Us Richly
Author Watchman Nee & Witness Lee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 16-016-001
ISBN 9780736314282
Pages 1253
Dimension 216mm X 141mm
Language English