God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

Overcoming Life, The

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In the years leading up to the release of the messages contained in his well-known classic, The Normal Christian Life, Watchman Nee released a series of messages on The Overcoming Life. In many respects these messages provide the basis for a believer to live the normal Christian life.

Those who have read The Normal Christian Life will find that The Overcoming Life speaks with the same freshness, clarity, and surprising originality. The Overcoming Life does not present a call to attain an extraordinary measure of “spirituality.” Rather, it is a call to normalcy, a call to pursue the life that is hidden with Christ in God. This call reverberates within seeking believers who, despite a keen sensitivity to their weaknesses, sense an inward call to overcome.

In The Overcoming Life, Watchman Nee outlines the pathway for “those who have an ear to hear.” Like a skilled physician, Watchman Nee first exposes the problems besetting seeking Christians. Using God’s Word, he candidly examines the defeated state of the believers. Then he presses for a cure, opening up a revelation of the victorious, overcoming Christ. Eventually, he guides the reader into a subjective, even daily experience of Christ’s victory. The Overcoming Life teems with truth, reverberates with hope, and brings the reader to renewed consecration.

The Overcoming Life is a fresh and accurate translation of messages given by Watchman Nee in 1935. With the exception of chapter four, the messages were delivered in Shanghai during September and October. Chapter four was released in Cheunchow, Fukien province, in November of the same year. It is included because of its consistency with both the subject and emphasis of the Shanghai messages.


  1. Our Experience
  2. The Christian Life as Revealed in the Bible
  3. The Characteristics of the Overcoming Life
  4. How to Experience the Overcoming Life (1)
  5. How to Experience the Overcoming Life (2)
  6. Surrendering
  7. Believing
  8. The Proving of Faith
  9. Growth
  10. The Tone of Victory
  11. Consecration
Author Watchman Nee
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 07-061-001
ISBN 9780736318921
Dimension 216mm X 141mm
Language English