God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth — 1 Tim. 2:4

聖經-一對宇宙配偶的羅曼史 & 宇宙的爭戰―生命對抗死亡

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Catalog No 18-121127-063
Publisher Living Stream Ministry

聖經-一對宇宙配偶的羅曼史 The Bible - A Romance of a Universal Couple

Many today view the Bible in various ways, but few have ever considered the Bible as a romance. In this Booklet taken from Life-study of Romans, Witness Lee shows from both the Old and New Testaments that the Bible is a romance in the purest and holiest sense. It presents the love relationship between a universal couple—God in Christ as the Bridegroom and His redeemed people as His Bride.

宇宙的爭戰―生命對抗死亡 A Universal Battle - Life Versus Death

Most people judge matters according to the principle of good and evil. In the Bible, however, good and evil are introduced not as distinct categories but as parts of the same category. The Bible reveals that instead of being occupied with the concept of good and evil, we should be concerned about life and death. To be in life is to live out God, and to be in death is to live out Satan. In this booklet taken from the Life-study of Romans, Witness Lee presents from Scripture the line of life, the line of death, the universal battle between God as the source of life and Satan as the source of death, and the Christian’s place in this battle.
Publisher Living Stream Ministry
Format Paperback
Catalog No 18-121127-063
ISBN 9780736374446 9780736376921
Language Chinese / English